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Christian being armed by Piety, Prudence and Charity at the Palace called Beautiful
Welcome to Palace Beautiful! In the book Pilgrims Progress, which I really love by the way, Palace Beautiful was a place for equipping the saints. Christian received his armor here. His fellow companion following the Valley of the Shadow of Death, Faithful, failed to stop and benefit from all the instruction he could have received at Palace Beautiful. This page is a place where I hope you will find a little instruction as Christian did at Palace Beautiful.
How do we come to God:
Fresh FROM IRELAND!!!! My dear brother and his wife
now in Ireland has sent me this wonderful study. This was
presented as part of his ministry there in the form of a bible
study. Includes some meaty quotes from John Calvin, John Gill and
The Beauty of Jesus: This link contains the sermon notes from the first sermon I was priviledged to preach this August 1999. In brief, I set forth the beauty of Jesus in both HIS Majesty and HIS Humility, following this our Lord Jesus is shown to be especially beautiful to the eyes of the believer in His offices of PROPHET, PRIEST and KING.
The Precious things of God, by Octavious Winslow is another of our favorite books. So impressed were I and my friends that I was encouraged to build a bible study around some of the same themes Winslow brought out in his book. Below are links to these studies which were actually part of a Home Bible Study in our house.
The Preciousness of Christ: I Peter 2:7 Unto you therefore which believe [he is] precious: but unto them which be disobedient, the stone which the builders disallowed, the same is made the head of the corner.
The Preciousness of Faith: II Peter 1:1 Simon Peter, a servant and an apostle of Jesus Christ, to them that have obtained like precious faith with us through the righteousness of God and our Saviour Jesus Christ.
The Preciousness of Trials: I Peter 1:7 That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ:
The Precious Thoughts of God: Psalms 139:17 How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God! how great is the sum of them!
The Precious Promises of God: II Peter 1:4 Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.
The Preciousness of God's Word: God's word is very precious indeed! This study is the sixth in this series and is also based on Chapter 9 from Winslow's book, The Precious Things of God. Click here for the actual text from Octavius Winslow's Book, Chapter 9. Please read and enjoy. It took alot of work and expense to scan it all in and make it available. If someone will read it though, it will certainly be worth it, for this is a rich book indeed!
Mutual Duties: Marriage Study. The Mutual Duties of Husbands and Wives Towards Each Other, by Richard Baxter. Modernized and Abridged with my apologies. We are blessed greatly by God to be currently studying this treatise in our home with several other couples. Click Below on Parts I and II to view the notes I have arranged to accompany this treatise. If you would like a copy of the notes I am using to teach using Baxter's outline in WORD Document FORMAT, please email and request from me below.
Bible Study Notes to Mutual Duties Part I
Bible Study Notes to Mutual Duties Part II
Safe and Happy Death: Expanded Conclusion to Baxter's Study and will augment Direction XII, at the end of Bible Study Notes Part II.
Bridal Shower Devotional: This study called, Submission - The Biblical Mandate for the Christian Wife, was recently prepared and presented by a dear friend of ours at a bridal shower. For Christian ladies considering marriage or those who want to live obediently in their own marriage please consider this. It is wonderful to see a marriage intent on honoring God in obedience to HIS directives. The preparer of this study, with her husband, soon plan to enter the mission field. It has been a great encouragement to us, to see what fruit is being borne in the lives of this couple who have as their teachers men like D.M. Lloyd-Jones, Charles Spurgeon, Richard Baxter, John Owen, John Bunyan and many other puritans. I believe in preparing this study much help was found in D.M. Loyd-Jones' commentary on Ephesians. May God bless this study and His Work in and through this young couple for the Glory of His Most Holy Name.
Our Testimony - The Testimony of Christ: Here is an interesting challenge to preach Christ and not ourselves. Something we must do and must also remember when testifying to others of the Great Grace of our Glorious God.
Allegories by John Bunyan on the Law and the Gospel. Read these two accounts which are taken from Pilgrim's Progress in which John Bunyan speaks to us of The Law and The Gospel. 1) What Christian saw in Interpreter's House and 2) Faithfu speaks of his experience with Moses.
Sermon on The Law and The Gospel: Sermon by a good friend of mine in which he preaches on The Law and The Gospel. Very good! A few quotes by John Flavel, John Owen, and Martin Luther are worked into the text and flow of this sermon.
Unrighteousness of Man and the Righteousness of God: Sermon by same good friend mentioned above. This sermon is based on Romans 3:9-20. You will be very blessed with your efforts in studying and considering this message. After hearing this preached in person, I witnessed a middle aged woman approach my friend thanking him for expounding so clearly on the doctrine of original sin, admitting that she had never BEFORE heard a sermon on this topic.
FAMILY WORSHIP: As a Father and a Husband I am very concerned that I live up to my duty before God to be the Spiritual head of my home training both my wife and my children in the things of God. The information below is help to encourage us to the achieving of this goal.
Covenant Family Fellowship: This link takes you to a web page sponsored by the Covenant Family Fellowship. It contains many papers by PURITANS like Thomas Manton, John Calvin, and Richard Baxter on the topic of Family Worship. Also you will find an encouragement to the church not supplant the authority of a husband and father over his family with youth groups and family segregation. Instead you will find the promotion of the unity of the family within the unity of the Body of Christ even in the local church setting.
Look here for more to come in the future. Currently my family is working through the 1689 London Baptist Confession of faith, especially looking up the scriptures supporting each truth set forth. [Click here to see London Baptist Confession of Faith] In addition to this we are looking at a survey that was given at the 1996 Christian Booksellers Convention. The survey is rather telling, in that, in many cases those being surveyed failed to answer correctly many questions that deal with the very heart of the gospel such as the nature of justification. One question was: "List the 10 commandments." Only 5% could do so. Most could not even name half. It is giving us a new appreciation for the importance of training our children to study the scripture, memorize and learn doctrine. So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. [Rom 10:17] Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. [Joh 8:31-32] These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full.[Joh 15:11]
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