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Much refreshing conversation and instruction was to be had at Gaius's house. The food they ate upon is the meat of the scriptures. True nourishment to the soul was here to be enjoyed. On this page we bring out the current refreshment and meat for our souls that we enjoy together in our own weekly Bible Study which is to be consumed at Tri-State every Wednesday Night from 7:00 to 8:00.
Intro: This study introduces our new series of topical studies. Especially setting forth the necessity to lay the foundation of the Truth as it is in Jesus Christ which is a truth according to Godliness. Hos 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge...
The Preciousness of God's Word: A study of the Doctrine of the Holy Scriptures - emphasizes especially the use of the scriptures and their preciousness to the true believer of Jesus Christ. As of 4/13/99 this study is not complete. I'm posting it here as we go along at Tri-State. Anyone checking in to see what we are studying at Tri-State and anyone else please keep in mind that this link will be added to over the next three to four weeks as we progress through this study.
The Preciousness of God's Word by Octavius Winslow: This is the text from Winslow's Book, The Precious Things of God, Chapter 9. You will find this especially rich reading, thrilling to your soul, a true delight to the inward man. May God awaken in us all a holy trembling before his Word and a wonderful appreciation of the revelation given to us. This chapter also aided me in an outline for the above study, by the same name, which is the first in our series of topical studies on the foundational doctrines of the Christian faith.
The Doctrine of God: A study on both the Omniscience, Omnipotence, Omnipresence of God and the truth of the doctrine of the Holy Trinity. (Neither dividing the substance nor confounding the person.)
THE FRIDAY NIGHT STUDY: We concluded our Marriage study with a encouragement to Husbands and Wives to be co-helpers one to another in the preparation of a SAFE and HAPPY DEATH. Check it out by Clicking HERE.
Scott D. Andersen
1Cor 2:2 For I determined not to know any thing among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified.
[Home] [Palace Beautiful] [Fighting Apollyon] [Introduction]